Here are a few things that I thought you all might want to know:
1. Never flush the toilet without the lid being down....all the fecal matter back splashes about 20 feet when you flush it!
2. Don't leave you toothbrush out on the counter because of the back splashes from flushing the toilet...ewww imagine brushing your teeth with all that crap on it!
3. Along with not leaving you toothbrush out on the counter, don't leave it where the hair brush might start brushing your teeth and gag because the hair is tangled all around the bristles.
4. Never Ever Never use Fructis products...they give your hair flakes!!!!
5. Always remember to brush your never know who you might run into!
6. Don't forget the dictionary while typing a new post on your blog!!!!!
Hello Again
4 years ago