So we have started baby food with Brooklyn. She loves it, if you can't all ready tell. We had sweet potatoes. Needless to say she is growing like a weed.
We have gone with the beech nut because I heard it has that DHA or something like that in it, which is to help with her eye sight and other stuff. An extra plus is that it is the cheepest at Walmart and Smiths. Speaking of Smiths, the have this baby club and every time you earn 200 points, they give you ten dollars to spend on whatever!!!!!
Her reflux has got a lot worse and we were in o the Dr's. today. They increased her medication (previcid (sp)) and put her on another(Reglan). I was shocked because he never or hardly ever prescribes it. We will have to see how it goes. I pray that it controls it alot more or really helps fix the prob., I am so tired of five to six outfits a day and that laundry is piling up. Oh well, "that's what moms are for" right!!!!!
Hello Again
4 years ago
Yucky reflux! And now she gets to "reflux" real food...lucky you ;) Hopefully this new medicine will help some. That second one you mentioned is what they put Aeden on, and it took care of his problem, so I'll cross my fingers for ya!
I'm SO glad they put her on that medicine. I hope it helps. Poor kid can't keep throwing up like that forever! And I'm sure you're sick of changing clothes. :)
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