Thursday, September 25, 2008

Working 9-5!!!

It has been a little over four years since I had a job. Not like that is a big deal or nothing, but it is sometimes hard to get back in the groove. I started working with the Granite School District as a duty for the playground. Hopefully in a couple weeks I will be adding more hours. They are trying to find some ESL hours for me to help out the spanish kids and in December I will be full time. I will then go onto a Teacher Aide which works 9 to 3. I am way excited. I went to college to become a teacher and then stopped when I couldn't handle bothe full time work and full time school. Then I got married and had kids....look at me now back to the grind so I can support myself again and my girls. I had a good friend tell me how strong I was to be doing this, but today I don't feel so strong. I konw with all my heart that what I am doing is right and I know that I wll have good and bad days.... I will be glad when it is all over and I can move on!!!!!!!

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