Summer school is officially over!!!!! Great for job!! (NOT) Pretty sure I can make it to August 24th when school starts.
Things are going good in our lives. Brooklyn just gets bigger and bigger everyday. She is blabbing like crazy, but still is not walking. Hey...I am not concerned...the later it is the better. No hurry Little Miss! We went to a really good friends birthday party yesterday and she surprised me by getting off the deck herself. She just turned around and went backward off the deck. She loves B's build-a-bear, but not her own. I think it is because B's has music in it and hers doesn't. Little Miss loves the is funny, she hates the tub, but LOVES the pool.
Bethanie is getting excited to go Kindergarten. She surprises me everyday on what she has picked up. Today she asked me how to spell my name, so I told her how and she says:"Well, how do you do a K?" So I showed her and she did a pretty good job. That birthday party we went to was for Hailey, a girl I used to babysit, and B had so much fun. She loves to play with Hailey and cries about not being able to. She gets really upset sometimes and says to me: "Can't we just move back to Bountiful so I can play with my old friends Haybug and Natalie?" It breaks my heart when she says stuff like that, but we get through it and move on! Thank goodness for cars and roads so I can get her up to Bountiful. I can't believe that she will be 5 in about a month...where has all the time gone?????
This is B and Haybug before we moved.
This is the girls last year!
Hello Again
4 years ago
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