Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Not a good thing.....

Training was really hard for me today....I was suppose to jog 6 mins., walk 5, jog 6 mins., walk 5 mins. But that DID NOT HAPPEN!?!?!? I got a side stitch and felt like I couldn't breath in right so I stopped and just walked home. I thought that I had given myself enough time after eating dinner, but I guess not. I just don't understand....actually I do. With Brooklyn being sick I really haven't been able to do my training. Which is hard for me cause I want this so bad! Anyway when I got home and looked at the training schedule I was on the wrong day. I don't think that had anything to do with it cause if I go back to the right day, tomorrow is another long run! Any advice runners?


Katrina Jackson said...

My best advice (especially to avoid side stitches) is to really pay attention to your breathing. If you are running a fairly slow pace you want to breathe in for 4 steps (left, right, left, right) and out for 3 steps. Or, if you find that your pace is faster than that (you feel like your lungs will explode if you breath for more than 3 counts), try breathing in for 3 steps and out for 2. These need to be full breaths. Once you master this you'll ensure that your muscles are getting the oxygen they need and you will be ahead of your breathing, rather than trying to catch your breath...which usually leads to fatigue or side stitches. It takes a few tries to get used to breathing like that, but once you make it a habit, you'll find that your endurance builds a bit easier. Also, I am sure you are doing this, but when you run, make it a slow, even pace. Don't try to push speed, you're working on time and distance right now. Good luck! I know you can do it!

Amy said...

Unfortunately, side stitches are often part of running, especially if you decide to run after eating. I always run before I eat anything or i always get one. And the truth is, despite how painful they are during the run, you can outrun them and it doesn't take as long as you might think. The first couple of times you might be sore in your side the next day like a sore muscle but it's empowering to know that your mind is stronger than your body and you can outlast them. Try it. Although giving yourself adequate time after eating is always best. i get them even if I drink water. The advice that Equipoise gave about the breathing is a great tool and especially good for a new runner. it helps you focus on something other than the suck fest you're enduring. don't give up - you're doing great!