I was trying to get Bethanie to bed this evening before the Season Premiere of Eli Stone on ABC. We got to bed at 8:25 and Bethanie says to me, "Mom, I am hungry!" So off to the kitchen we went to get some cereal or what Bethaine calls a 'Bedtime Snack' As we ate and then had fam prayer with my sis and her fam, 9:00 came fast. As I went down the stairs to get Bethanie to bed, my sister says "Oh, the things we give up for our kids!" It really mad me think.....Do we as mothers and wives really do give up the things we like for our families. Now some of you may say, 'Well, you chose to be a mom, so there ya go', but I feel differ. Yes I became a mother and a wife, but do I have to loose myself too. Well I say no. I look at the past few years of my life and wonder, Did I let myself and what I want go? Maybe, but now I am going to get that or whatever I feel I lost back. I have started working. Yes it may not be by choice, but I don't think I would change it for nothing. I love doing what I do and no I don't feel bad that my kids have to go to the sitter. I went to college to teach and I feel that this is the closest I may ever get to teaching. I look at my sister, Nichole, (sorry to use u as a example) but I see how she has changed now that her children are a lot ol
der than mine and pray that I can be like her. She has this attitude of What about me and my needs. She is a great mother and she loves her kid to death, but she is right. We put our kids first before ourselves, for whatever the reason, for so long and sometime in life we need to get that back. Good Job sis, way to set the bar!!! Now I am not saying that she doesn't care for her kids or that they are a problem, but she puts herself first too. So the next time you want to buy that shirt or you next 'Sex in the City' outfit, go for it and don't look back!!!
(This is a pic of my sister Nichole in Las Vegas at some Elvis wall. She loves Elvis)
That is good advice that I need to follow!
And you all thought that I was crazy when I wanted to go back to work and did a few years ago. It was easier for me to go back knowing that family was watching Jackson. Yes, I do miss it a ton and feel myself almost everyday getting lost in the routine of life.
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